May 30 Day Challenge Is Here

It's finally happening - Pure Hot Yoga's 30 Day Challenge
Participating in a 30 day yoga challenge means committing to yoga for 20 or 30 classes in 30 days. But it’s about more than just doing yoga each day. A Pure challenge month represents a personal commitment you make to yourself. It can often be easier to find time for work, family, and friends than to make time for ourselves. A yoga challenge offers you a structure for creating time each day to nurture yourself.
It's an opportunity to revisit your favorite classes, move at your own pace, try new ones and new teachers who may inspire you.
A yoga challenge can help you build confidence in your practice. Much like learning anything new, yoga postures will often be unfamiliar at first; but as your daily practice continues, your body remembers! The more poses you commit to muscle memory, the easier it will be to dedicate yourself to a daily practice—and the stronger your body will become.
And at Pure we bring the FUN and the ZEN!
Here are the details-
The challenge cost will be $169 for non-members. Annual members who’ve paid upfront or on contract will not need to pay anything additional to participate.
The goal is to do 20 classes in 30 days. If you do 20 classes, it works out to be $8.45 per class. If you do 30 classes, it ends up being $5.60 per class. Amazing value!
As an added BONUS, We will have some prizes for people who complete the challenge!!!
Sign up in MindBody or click below